Bani Ammar

Bani Ammar is a village located near Tahta-Sohag; south-western between Banhau and El-Sawamaa Gharb to the east and Enibis to west. The inhabitants are mainly working in traditional agricultural activities. Many of them have established other residences somewhere else, mainly in Cairo, Alexandria etc. As majorities in Egypt, a great number of the children already joined the national educational system and have graduated in high schools and universities. The Religious Education finds—as expected—its roots in this village. It dates back two centuries and centered on al-Azhar Mosque and university. It is also noticed that certain inhabitants immigrated abroad, mainly to the Gulf Countries, Iraq, Libya, etc.
Bani Ammar's first mention is found in the distinguished book "Description of Egypt", which is a comprehensive scientific description of ancient and modern Egypt written by the French Scientists accompanying Napoleon's expedition to Egypt from 1798 to 1801. Bani Ammar must be there much earlier than the comprehensive expedition to Egypt.
The National Day of Sohag Governorate is to some extent related to the History of Bani Ammar, too. On this day the people around Juhaina faced the French troupes, who invaded under the leadership of Napoleon the whole region of Upper Egypt tracing the Mamluki's. They have been stopped in Juhaina battle. The Juhainas are close relatives to Bani Ammars. Both people immigrated from Arabian Island and even divided their new land accordingly.
Bani Ammars are Hashimitis rooted to the Arabia dynasty of Hashim ibn Abd al-Manaf . Concretely, the roots of the main family is originated to Ja`far bin Abī Tālib.