Bare Knuckles

Bare Knuckles is a 1977 blaxploitation film, starring Robert Viharo, Sherry Jackson and Gloria Hendry. The film was written and directed by Don Edmonds.


L.A. bounty hunter, Zachary Kane, is on the hunt for a masked serial killer on the loose.


Director Edmonds said he didn't get any permits for the movie, it was made for $25,000 with another $25,000 spent for goods and services.


It is one of the films that have inspired Quentin Tarantino, and it was selected by Tarantino himself to be shown at his Los Angeles Grindhouse Festival in 2007. In May 2008, it was being shown by Robert Viharo's son, Will, as part of his long-running Thrillville theater program.
