Bare area of the liver

The bare area of the liver is a large triangular area on the diaphragmatic surface of the liver, devoid of peritoneal covering. It is attached directly to the diaphragm by loose connective tissue.
The coronary ligament represent reflections of the visceral peritoneum covering the liver onto the diaphragm. As such, between the two layers of the coronary ligament lies the bare area of the liver, and this is attached to the diaphragm by areolar tissue.
The bare area of the liver is still covered by Glisson's capsule, the fibrous capsule that sheathes the entire liver.

Clinical significance

The bare area of the liver is clinically important because of the portacaval anastomosis and it represents a site where infection can spread from the abdominal cavity to the thoracic cavity. It is important because it encloses the right extra peritoneal subphrenic space.

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