Bart Plantenga

Bart Plantenga is a writer and pirate radio station disc jockey who has been called "the world's expert on yodeling." He is also known for his radio show on Radio Patapoe, "Wreck this Mess."
Along with Ron Kolm, Mike Golden, and Peter Lamborn Wilson, he was a co-founder of the Unbearables, a literary group in New York City, which held an annual event reading erotic poetry aloud on the Brooklyn Bridge, and stormed the offices of The New Yorker "to protest the quality of the magazine’s poetry."
Plantenga maintains two YouTube channels, Yodel in HiFi Top 50+, and a channel for his radio show, Wreck Dub Wire Yodel, and has written for The Brooklyn Rail.
He lives in Amsterdam with his partner Nina Ascoly and their daughter Paloma

Selected works