
Batagund Bijbehara is a village in the district of Anantnag, tehsil Bijbehara in Jammu & Kashmir. Its post office is at Bijbehara and the nearest medical center is at Veeri. As of 2012, its population was approximately 181. There is a high school located in this village. It is an ancient village and as according the village contains fabulous past of Hindus.There is also a temple located at the bank of a river namely "Tarbal". This is a short populated village with mere a total number of 3 dozen households. The neighbouring villages are Laribal, Joibal, Veeri and Gadiseer. This village is 10 kilometers away from the north of the Anantnag city and 3 kilometers to the south of Bijbehara and is about 51 kilometers away from Srinagar. It is 850 kilometers  away from the national capital New Delhi and about 250 kilometers from Jammu. It is approximately 5000 meters above sea level.