Battle buddy
A battle buddy is a partner assigned to a soldier in the United States Army. Each battle buddy is expected to assist his or her partner both in and out of combat. Most participating soldiers have reported satisfaction and have agreed that the Army should implement the system fully, although there have been cons reported as well. A battle buddy is not only intended for company, but also for the reduction of suicide; since each watches his partner's actions, a battle buddy can save their fellow soldier's life by noticing negative thoughts and feelings and intervening to provide help.
Advantages and disadvantages
Evaluations of the battle buddy system have identified the following advantages:- Reduces rates of suicide and sexual assaults
- Buddies keep each other informed about key instructions and information
- Promotes cooperative problem-solving
- Increases morale
- Encourages soldiers and motivates increased confidence
- Decreases stress
- Eases transition to the military lifestyle
- Improves safety in training and combat
- Promotes better leadership skills
- Personality conflicts can cause tension and decrease positive effects
- Adds extra responsibilities
- Interferes with desired activities
- Requires the commitment of caring for another person
- The role of personality variables
- Self-assessments of successes due to battle buddies
- Potential situational influences
- Buddy interactions/assessments
Disliked Very Much | Disliked | Neither | Liked | Liked Very much |
5% | 4% | 10% | 31% | 50% |
This table, on the other hand, shows soldiers' agreement that battle buddies are good Army practice:
Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neither agree nor disagree | Agree | Strongly agree |
5% | 5% | 22% | 24% | 44% |