Battle of Casalecchio

The Battle of Casalecchio took place on 26 June 1402 near the town of Casalecchio di Reno, near Bologna, in northern Italy.
At this battle, a Bolognese army under Giovanni I Bentivoglio opposed Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan, and his allies, the Malatesta of Rimini and the Gonzaga of Mantua. The city of Bologna was aided by the Republic of Florence in the struggle to halt the expansion of Visconti's power. The Bolognese-Florentine army was under Muzio Attendolo.
Visconti was aided by many Italian lords and condottieri. The commander in chief was the famous leader Alberico da Barbiano. Chiavello Chiavelli, lord of Fabriano, was present at the battle. With Facino Cane, the condottiero Ludovico Gabriotto Cantelli commanded the Milanese vanguard of 2,000 cavalry. Cantelli fought Bernardo della Serra and captured Rigo Galletto, Pietro da Carrara, and Brunoro Della Scala, who were taken to Parma.
The Bolognese were routed and their leader Giovanni I Bentivoglio was killed. Gian Galeazzo Visconti took Bologna and planned to assault the Republic of Florence and city of Florence next. However, he fell ill on 10 August 1402 and died on 3 September.