Battle of Hira

The Battle of Hira was fought between the Sassanians and the Rashidun Caliphate in 633. It was one of the early battles of the Muslim conquest of Persia.


The city of Al-Hirah, widely known for its size and wealth, was a Sassanian dukedom as it was the capital of the Persian province of Iraq. Many of its Lakhmid Christian Arab inhabitants patrolled the desert on behalf of the Sassanians. According to the Roman historian, Procopius, the Lakhmids were 'experienced at war' and 'completely loyal to the Persians'. During the reign of the Caliphate, Abu Bakr, sent Khalid ibn al-Walid a letter which noted that 'The conquest of Al-Hirah and Kufa is entrusted to thee.'
In May 633 AD, the Muslim Arabs, under Khalid ibn al-Walid, attacked the fortressed city, whose Lakhmid defenders utilized projectiles against the Muslims. The fight was brief and the citizens of the city quickly surrendered and brought gifts to Khalid ibn al-Walid. In the aftermath, five castles in the city, which were beautifully adorned, fell into the hands of the Muslims and the inhabitants of the city agreed to surrender and pay tribute. The inhabitants also agreed to act as spies against the Sassanians, just as the inhabitants of Ullais had.