Battle of the Rocks

Battle of the Rocks, the annual Cricket encounter is a prominent sporting event played between two schools in North Western province of Sri Lanka.
The cricket match is played between Maliyadeva College & St. Anne's College annually at the Welagedara Stadium, Kurunegala. The match is played over two days and the winner is presented with the Trophy. The two-day match is followed by a one-day match between the two sides which started in 1992.
The encounter has a long history. However, in certain years, it was not played due to various reasons. The year 2016 marked the 33rd 2-day encounter and 21st limited overs version of Battle of the Rocks.


The Battle of the Rocks is filled with pageantry. With decorated tents, flags and Baila singing and dancing groups present all around the city and at the ground itself during the match days and in the days leading up to it. On the day before the match, the students of each school take a walk around the city in a cycle parade with bands and decorations and other colorful items showing support for their respective team. Overloaded cars with supporters singing along the Kurunegala streets is a familiar sight during match days.
The match is looked forward to by young and old, male and female and more of an occasion for the old boys and present students of both schools. It is quite normal to see 70-, 80-year-old alumni coming to the "Big Match" to relive old memories and meet their old friends.

Rockers' Parade

On the day before the match, the students of each school take a walk around the city in a vehicle parade with bands and decorations and other colorful items showing support for their respective team. Overloaded cars with supporters singing along the Kurunegala streets is a familiar sight during match days.

Summary of results

Maliyadeva College has won 6 matches so far out of the 33 played while the St. Anne's College has never won any. All the others have ended in no decisions. Maliyadeva has won 13 matches while St. Anne's has won 9 matches, in the limited overs encounter, while on 2 occasions, the two teams shared the trophy.

Notable players

;Maliyadeva College

;St. Anne's College