Behniwal, Punjab
Behniwal is a village in Mansa district of Punjab. It falls under the market committee of Mansa District MansaGeography
Behniwal is approximately centered at. Raipur, Chehlan Wala, Peron and Bana Wala are the surrounding villages.Transportation
The village is located on mansa talwandi road so it is well connected with both cities through buses and some owns vehicles.Hotels
There is a one resort and a dhaba where people can stay at night and day.The village has one hospital, a private dispensary and one medical store. There is a gym and a ground to maintain good health of villagers.Education
There are four schools in the village- govt. School, silver bells int. school, akal sahai school, mata gujri public schoolEconomy
There is a branch of the State Bank of Patiala. Agriculture is the main source of income.