Bela Vista de Goiás

Bela Vista de Goiás is a city located in central Goiás state in Brazil.


It is 45 kilometers from the state capital of Goiânia
The municipality has boundaries with Hidrolândia, Caldazinha, Aparecida de Goiânia, Senador Canedo, and Silvânia. It is part of the Goiânia Microregion, which has more than one million seven hundred thousand inhabitants.
Bela Vista de Goiás is crossed by the following rivers and streams: Meia Ponte River, Caldas, Piracanjuba, Boa Vista, Arapuca, Sozinha, São José, Aborrecido, Nuelo, Barro Amarelo, São Bento, Furado, Sucuri and Boa Vistinha.

Demographic and political data

During the period of 1930 to 1950 Bela Vista was famous for its tobacco production and was called the "Tobacco capital of Brazil"". Low international prices caused the gradual abandonment of this crop and today the economy is more diversified with fruit production, milk, and the poultry industry.
There is a large herd of cattle—113,620 head in 2006, of which 21,590 were milking cows.
It is one of the largest producers of milk in the state and has two milk processing units. There are approximately eight thousand milk producers, of whom 70% are small farmers. Milk production was over 30 million liters a year in 2003.
The main employer of the region is Granja Saito, a producer of poultry. Poultry production, besides being the mainstay of the economy, stimulates the local production of corn, soybeans, and wheat. According to there were 1,390,000 chickens in the region. Egg production was 27,104 dozens a year

Agricultural products

The main agricultural products in 2006 were bananas, coffee, coconut, citrus fruits, rice, manioc, corn, and soybeans.

Sectors of employment (2003)

The main economic employers in 2003 were:
See for data on municipalities in Goiás.
Human Development Index: 0.744
Data are from 2000