Belarusian Green Party
The Belarusian Green Party is an eco-socialist Green party in Belarus which opposes the administration of president Alexander Lukashenko, which is led by entrepreneur Dzmitry Kuchuk. It was created in 1994. The party has an anti-corporatist, anti-globalist platform.
The previous leader of the party until January 2020 was Nastassya Darafeyeva, who in 2015 succeeded long-time leader Aleh Novikaŭ, also known as Lolik Uškin, who had led the party since 2007.
The party has not held seats in the Belarusian parliament since its creation.
In late 2008, the Belarusian Green Party created a special commission on LGBT rights, becoming the first political party in Belarus to officially announce support for the LGBT community.
The Belarusian Green Party opposes the practice of the death penalty, and Belarus remains the last country in Europe with capital punishment. The party has also sharply criticized the US government for continuing to permit the death penalty at the state-level. Members of the party strongly protested the executions of Dmitri Konovalov and Vladislav Kovalev, who were convicted of the 2011 Minsk Metro bombing in a controversial trial.
The party is an associate member of the European Green Party.