Believe... There's Magic in the Stars

Believe... There's Magic In The Stars was a nighttime fireworks show at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California. The show was introduced in early 2000 for the Resort's 45th Anniversary, replacing the long running Fantasy in the Sky fireworks display. At the time, the show was the most complex and lavish ever to be produced by the Disneyland Entertainment team.
On June 1, 2004, Believe... was replaced by Imagine... A Fantasy in the Sky and subsequently on May 1, 2005 by Remember... Dreams Come True for Disneyland's 50th anniversary celebration.
During Believe's entire run at Disneyland, a similarly named fireworks show, Believe... In Holiday Magic, ran during the holiday season, typically from early November to early January.

The song

The main musical theme of the show is the song "Believe...There's Magic In The Stars", composed by Gregory Smith; this theme is interwoven throughout the entire show. Most of the song is sung by Sandi Patty.

The show

The show, like many other Disneyland fireworks show, utilizes musical themes from various Disney movies. Those themes help to illustrate the message & the plot of the show, which is just to believe in magic. In the preshow announcements, a child's voice is heard marveling over Disneyland, and the pictures and dreams he can make from the stars above. He then says, "Maybe if I really believe, all my dreams will come true." The show is broken up into various segments, based on the themes of the movies and Disneyland, each of which are introduced with the "Believe..." theme song.


The show begins with a woman's voice gently whispering the word "believe", the show's main theme. The child is heard saying "I wish I never had to leave this magical place", otherwise known as Disneyland. He then wishes on a star for his wish, and the Believe musical theme begins.
released the full track on two different albums: