Belle de Boskoop

Belle de Boskoop is an apple cultivar which, as its name suggests, originated in Boskoop, Netherlands, where it began as a chance seedling in 1856.
There are many variants: Boskoop red, yellow or green. This rustic apple is firm, tart and fragrant. Greenish-gray tinged with red, the apple stands up well to cooking. Generally Boskoop varieties are very high in acid content and can contain more than four times the vitamin C of 'Granny Smith' or 'Golden Delicious'.
The apple grows well in Normandy, France.


This apple tree responds well to plenty of water and is very strong but cannot stand frost or dry soil.
The cultivar is compatible with most rootstocks, but its pollen quality is poor because it is a triploid. Cultivars that can provide compatible pollen for 'Belle de Boskoop' include 'Discovery', 'James Grieve', 'Melba' and 'Reine des Reinettes'.
The apple stores well after harvest.