Bellows Free Academy, Fairfax

Bellows Free Academy, Fairfax or BFA is a public K-12 school in Fairfax, Vermont. About 800 students attend, with an average graduating class of 80, from Fairfax and the surrounding towns of Fletcher, Georgia, Fairfield, and Westford.


Tuition was $9,870 in 2009–2010. This tuition was paid by towns sending students to the school, sometimes from outside the school district.


Hiram Bellows bought of land and left money for the construction of a free school in Fairfax, Vermont. Bellows Free Academy Fairfax and Saint Albans was built from the money earned in stocks willed to the town by Mr. Bellows. The stocks were invested in the Chicago Rock Island Railway. When the stocks earned $250,000, the school was constructed.
The original school burned on January 14, 1941.


The school's team name is The Bullets. It competes as a Division III school. School colors are maroon and white.
