Belo Jardim
Belo Jardim a Brazilian municipality in the state of Pernambuco. Has an estimated population in 2009 of 74.028. Total area of 647.7 km². It is located at 608 meters above the sea level and 182 km away from the state capital, Recife.
The economy is based on agribusiness, agriculture, and automotive batteries. The city is the headquarters of Acumuladores Moura S.A..
The city is served by Belo Jardim Airport.
- State - Pernambuco
- Region - Agreste of Pernambuco
- Boundaries - Brejo da Madre de Deus and Jataúba ; São Bento do Una and Sanharó ; Pesqueira ; Tacaimbó
- Area - 647.7 km2
- Elevation - 608 m
- Hydrography - Ipojuca River
- Vegetation - Subcaducifólia forest
- Climate - Semi-arid
- Annual average temperature - 22.5 c
- Main road - BR 232
- Distance to Recife - 182 km
Economic Indicators
Economy by Sector2006
Primary sector | Secondary sector | Service sector |
3.35% | 38.54% | 58.11% |
Health Indicators
HDI | Hospitals | Hospitals beds | Children's Mortality every 1000 |
0.625 | 2 | 137 | 29.5 |