Benjamin Kedar-Kopfstein

Benjamin Kedar-Kopfstein was an Israeli professor emeritus and scholar of Biblical Hebrew at University of Haifa.


Kedar-Kopfstein was the youngest son of Felix Kopfstein, a lawyer in Seesen, Germany who died while fleeing from Nazi persecution. Kedar-Kopfstein attended Jewish secondary school in Berlin. In 1939 he escaped to Palestine with the Youth Aliyah, and initially lived in the kibbutz. He later became a member of the Jewish Settlement Police, an elite force recruited by the Haganah.
He received his Doctorate from Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1968. He was director of the Old Testament Seminary of the University of Haifa and the Chairman of its Department of Bible Studies. He was also a Research Associate for the Hebrew University Bible Project in charge of Latin Versions. He is known for his contributions to the understanding of Old Testament language Semantics. His articles on biblical philology have appeared in biblical encyclopedias, The Jewish Quarterly Review, Hebrew University Bible Project, Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft and other Hebrew scholarship journals. In 1984, he was Acting Rector of the Center for Jewish Studies Heidelberg.
The City of Braunschweig in Germany honored Doctor Kedar as part of its memorial stone project for victims of National Socialism.


Hebrew University Bible Project