Bentonville School District

Bentonville Schools is a comprehensive community school district serving students in kindergarten through 12th grade from Bentonville, Arkansas, in Benton County. Bentonville Schools encompasses of land including most of Bentonville, and portions of Bella Vista, Cave Springs, Centerton, Highfill, Little Flock and Rogers.
As of the 2019-2020 school year, the district's 22 schools have a total enrollment of some 18,000 students and 1300 certified staff members. Bentonville Schools has grown dramatically in the last decade and is now one of the largest districts in the state.


As of the 2019-2020 school year, Bentonville Schools operates 22 schools. An additional junior high school will open in fall of 2020.

Elementary Schools (Grade K–4)

The following information is based on 2019-2020 school year data available from the Bentonville School District website. All schools are located in Bentonville unless otherwise designated:
The following information is based on 2013–14 school year data available from the Bentonville School District website. All schools are located in Bentonville unless otherwise designated:
The following information is based on 2019–20 school year data available from the Bentonville School District website. All schools are located in Bentonville unless otherwise designated:
The following information is based on 2013–14 school year data available from the Bentonville School District website. All schools are located in Bentonville unless otherwise designated: