
The beoseon is a type of paired socks worn with hanbok, Korean traditional clothing and is made for protection, warmth, and style. It is also called jokui, jokgeon or mal in hanja. According to a book titled Hunmong jahoe written by Choe Sejin in 1527 during the reign of King Jungjong of the Joseon Dynasty, beoseon was called "bosyeonmal", so it may be called by the name before the time.
It is not clear when beoseon first began to be worn, but ancient beoseon is assumed to be a form extended from a trouser or bojagi for protecting the foot. During the period of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, beonseon made of silk was worn but it was limited by social class. In the Joseon period, beoseon made of a white fabric was usually worn regardless of class except special occasions.


The types of beoseon can be varied by purpose, shape, and sewing technique. Goteun beoseon or also called godeulmok beoseon and nuin beoseon are defined by shape.
According to sewing technique, beoseon is divided into som beoseon, gyeop beoseon, hot beoseon, nubi beoseon, and tarae beoseon. Som beoseon is composed of the outer fabric and cotton as a batting to give foot warmth and style. Gyeop beoseon is made with two layers of a fabric without stuffing the inside. Hot beoseon is made with one layer and worn as an inner sock to prevent the outer beoseon from getting dirty. Nubi beoseon is made by quilting and usually worn for protection against the cold during winter. The beoseon is considered practical because of the easiness to handle after cleaning although the running stitches can be broken or it is stiff than other beoseon. Tarae beoseon is decorative socks for children. After quilted, tarae beosoen is embroidered with strings in various colors, and a string is attached to each portion of ankle to bind them at the front.
Although the shape of beoseon does not reflect gender, beoseon for men have a straighter seam than that of women.