Bernard (TV series)

Bernard, known as Backkom in South Korea, is a Spanish-South Korean-French computer-animated television series produced by RG Animation Studios, with the investment of the South Korean broadcaster EBS, the Spanish BRB Internacional and the French M6, the animation style is of a combination of computer-generated and cel animation. The stories are written by the Spanish creative studio Screen21, the directors are José Luis Ucha Enríquez and Claudio Biern Lliviria. The music was written by Oscar Maceda Rodríguez. Bernard also was a part of Cartoon Network's Sunday Pants.


The show centers on a curious polar bear named Bernard, whose bumbling slapstick antics and clumsiness typically result in the bear being knocked unconscious or being severely injured by the end of an episode, Bernard almost doesn't speak, but he does communicate through guttural sounds. Bernard is accompanied by a few other characters like Lloyd and Eva the penguins, Zack the lizard, and Goliath the chihuahua.



A feature film based on Bernard, titled Mug Travel in South Korea and My Friend Bernard in English, was first released in South Korea on 22 March 2007. It was directed by Lim Ah-ron and produced at RG Animation Studios.
Another film, titled was released in China on 13 January 2017.
A third film, titled was released in China on 8 February 2020.

Award history

Bernard has been nominated for a number of awards, including Best Animation series at the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film, Mipcom Jr. Licensing Challenge Award, Prize in Children and Education at the Dong-A International Festival of Cartoon & Animation and was a finalist at the Annecy International Animation Festival.
  1. Nominated for The Best Animation Series at Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film
  2. Mipcom Jr. Licensing Challenge Award
  3. Won the Prize in Children and Education at DIFECA
  4. Was the finalist in Annecy International Animation Festival.