
The Beta-M is a radioisotope thermoelectric generator that was used in Soviet-era lighthouses and beacons.


The Beta-M contains a core made up of strontium-90, which has a half-life of 28.79 years. In its initial state after manufacture, the generator is capable of generating 10 watts of electricity, almost enough to power a compact fluorescent light bulb with light output equivalent to a 60-watt bulb. The generator contains the strontium-90 radioisotope, with a heating power of 250W and 1,480 TBq of radioactivity.

Safety incidents

Some Beta-M generators have been subject to incidents of vandalism when scavengers disassembled the units while searching for non-ferrous metals. In December 2001 a radiological accident occurred when three residents of Lia, Georgia found parts of an abandoned Beta-M in the forest while collecting firewood. The three suffered burns and symptoms of acute radiation syndrome as a result of their exposure to the strontium-90 contained in the Beta-M. The disposal team that removed the radiation sources consisted of 25 men who were restricted to 40 seconds' worth of exposure each while transferring the canisters to lead-lined drums.