Beth Ann Karmeisool

Beth Ann Karmeisool is an American entrepreneur, lecturer, certified sexual health educator and certified HIV counselor. She initially became an advocate for safe sexual health after volunteering with the Rainbow Connection, where she worked with children infected with HIV and AIDS, and after interviewing adolescents about their lack of information regarding sex education. Karmeisool founded S3 Safe Sex Store in April 1995, a retail business currently located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She said that she, “created S3 to provide all people regardless of age, race, religion or sexual orientation a safe place that provides correct, consistent sexual health information.” A 2008 article published by The Michigan Daily stated that, “Karmeisool believes it is her responsibility to inform, empower and educate her clientele about sexual health issues.”
Karmeisool is the president of the corporation, BAK, INC., of which S3 Safe Sex Store is an assumed name. She is the resident agent of SHARE, a nonprofit corporation whose goal is to change the way individuals view sex education and assist parents in establishing sexual health guidelines based on family values, morals, and religion.
In 2000, Karmeisool was recognized as Businessperson of the Year from Midwest AIDS Prevention Project for her efforts in outreach education. She was a co-lecturer of the University of Michigan first-year social science seminar, Human Sexuality & Gender Issues, with Frances L. Mayes. Karmeisool has been a keynote speaker at numerous venues and events on the issues of sexual health, including the Interfraternity and Panhellenic Council. She has been identified as an individual in southeastern Michigan,”helping those who are living with HIV and working to prevent others from contracting the virus.”
Karmeisool has a Master of Public Health degree in Health Behavior and Health Education from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. She is a certified HIV counselor who performs free HIV testing.

Lectures and public appearances