Beylik of Tanrıbermiş

Beylik of Tanrıbermiş was a small and short-lived principality in western Anatolia during the late 11th century.
After the battle of Malazgirt in 1071, Oghuz Turkmen tribes led by ghazi warriors began to settle in hitherto Byzantine-controlled Anatolia. A ghazi named Tanrıbermiş was one of them. Beginning by 1074 he founded a beylik in western Anatolia. His realm included Philadelphia and Ephesus. However, during the First Crusade in 1098 his territory was recovered by the forces of the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos. The Turks weren't able to penetrate as far as western Anatolia for about two centuries, until the Aydinids. Even after that, Philadelphia wasn't captured by the Turks until 1390.