
Bhúmanyu means Emperor. Bhúmanyu / Bhoomanyu / Bhuvmanyu was the successor of first emperor of India, Bharata. E
Bhumanyu was made the next emperor. Bhumanyu's lineage is the story of the Mahabharat.

Bhúmanyu in Mahabharata

, the first Indian dynastic emperor recorded, had a son named Bhúmanyu. He is known as Vitatha. The Mahabaratha, in the Adi Parvan, tells two different stories about Bhúmanyu's birth. The first story says that Bharata married Sunanda the daughter of Sarvasena, the King of Kasi Kingdom, and begot upon her the son named Bhumanyu.
According to the second story, Bhúmanyu was born out of Yagna that Bharata performed for the sage Bharadwaja.