Bible translations into Cambodian

The first translation of the Bible into Cambodian language, or Khmer, was by the American Arthur L. Hammond, who began translating the Bible in 1925. The New Testament was completed in 1934 and the whole Bible in 1954. It was revised in 1962. The UBS affiliate Bible Society in Cambodia was established in 1968.
Christianity in Cambodia was ruthlessly suppressed during the Khmer Rouge rule of Cambodia, then began to resurface under the People's Republic of Kampuchea government during the 1980s. New modern language versions followed in the 1990s but were initially not well received. Currently, the Bible Society in Cambodia supplies the Khmer Standard Version and the "Khmer Old Version".
In 2008 The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society produced the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures in Khmer.
In 2012, produced the New Testament. It is currently working on completing the Old Testament.
In 2018, The held the celebration for the printing of the Revised version of the original Khmer Old version . This and all translations are available on .
Also in 2018, the produced the . It is also currently currently translating the Old Testament.