Bible translations into the languages of Taiwan

The Bible translations into the languages of Taiwan are into Taiwanese, Hakka, Amis, and other languages of Taiwan.


In Taiwan, education from kindergarten to college is done in Mandarin Chinese. Chinese is used in government offices and large corporations. The Bible text in Chinese is in Traditional Chinese, written vertically, rather than in Simplified Chinese, written horizontally.


The majority of the Taiwan people speak at home Taiwanese, sometimes called Taiwanese Hokkien or Min Nan Yu because their ancestors came from the southern part of China's Fujian Province. In 1916, Thomas Barclay finished the New Testament translation into Taiwanese Hokkien, followed by the Old Testament translation using Latin script in 1930. His entire NT/OT Bible, now called Amoy Romanized Bible, was published in 1933. In 1996, this Bible was put into the Chinese characters, called Taiwanese Han Character Bible.
Taiwanese Bible Romanized Character Edition.In-ūi Siōng-tè chiong to̍k-siⁿ ê Kiáⁿ siúⁿ-sù sè-kan, hō͘ kìⁿ-nā sìn I ê lâng bōe tîm-lûn, ōe tit-tio̍h éng-oa̍h; I thiàⁿ sè-kan kàu án-ni.
Taiwanese Bible Han Character Edition.因為上帝將獨生的子賞賜世間,互見若信伊的人,沈淪,會得著永活,伊疼世間到按呢。

The translation of Taiwanese Bible: Today's Taiwanese Version using Latin script is already complete, but is now being checked before publication.


The Hakka people live mainly in Taiwan's northwest areas, such as Taoyuan City, Hsinchu County and Miaoli County. The Hakka language is one of the four languages heard in the public transportation announcement in Taipei. Bible translation into Hakka language started in 1984. In 1993, the New Testament with the Psalms in Hakka was published, followed by the publication in 2012 of .


The Amis people, living in Taiwan's east coast, are the largest group among the Taiwanese indigenous peoples. In 1957, the Book of John was translated into Amis language using Bopomofo. After 1963, translation proceeded using Pinyin, and the New and Old Testaments in Amis were published in 1997.

Other languages

The Bible translations into other languages of Taiwan are done or being done: Paiwan language, Bunun language, Atayal language, Truku language, Tao/Yami Language, Rukai, and Tsou language.