Bicaz Gorge

The Bicaz Gorge is a gorge in Romania, located in the north-east part of the country, in Neamţ and Harghita counties; it is part of the Cheile Bicazului-Hășmaș National Park.
The gorge was excised by the waters of Bicaz River and it serves as a passageway between the Romanian provinces of Moldova and Transylvania.
It is a noted location to see the wallcreeper, an uncommon cliff-dwelling bird.
The road along the 8 kilometres of ravines, often in serpentines with rock on one side and a sheer drop on the other, is one of the most spectacular drives in the country. Also within the gorge is Lacul Roşu, with its traditional cabins, hotels, and its famous lake caused by a landslide in the 19th century.
Cheile Bicazului is one of the main rock climbing sites in Romania.