Big Deal is a television game show that aired Sunday at 7:00 in the United States for six weeks in 1996 on FOX. It was hosted by Mark DeCarlo and packaged by Stone-Stanley Productions, with swing group Big Bad Voodoo Daddy as the house band. Due to low ratings, it only lasted six episodes. It was announced in TV Guide that the series would return for spring 1997, in a half-hour format with Heidi Mark joining DeCarlo as co-host, but ultimately didn't return to the schedule.
The show's format followed that of Let's Make a Deal; however, stunts similar to those featured on Truth or Consequences were also played. Some of these stunts were played in order to earn a smaller prize, which could then be gambled for an unknown behind a curtain or a box, and other stunts awarded different prizes based on how well the contestant performed. Some of the games played involved the contestants participating in the studio itself:
A contestant was hooked to a giant "skill crane" and given the appropriate oversized grabbers, with which he had to retrieve large teddy bears while being raised and lowered by his partner. Each bear represented a money amount or a prize, and the contestant could retrieve as many or as few of the bears as he or she wanted. However, one bear had a human inside of it, and attempting to grab this bear would "scare" it, the bear would run away, and the couple received nothing.
Contestants had to listen to a popular song being sung by a fat lady, a Wagnerian Valkyrie performed by Anne-Marie Bosche' Clinkenbeard, ; guessing the song correctly won a prize.
A contestant was positioned on top of a small "building', and a chimpanzee was placed on an identical "building" in a "man vs. monkey" game. In a tribute to King Kong, the man raced the chimp to swat toy airplanes out of the "sky". Beating the monkey won the prize.
Couples raced to launch small teddy bears at a spiked wall with a slingshot; the couple "killing" the most bears won a prize.
DeCarlo once asked if anyone in the studio audience wanted to "kill" the show's enormous frog mascot. Then he selected someone from the audience, who had 30 seconds to shovel pennies onto a scale. After the time ran out, the player had the option of either taking a bribe or seeing if he had shoveled at least 200 pounds of pennies onto the scale. Success meant that the player won a grand prize, plus as much money as shoveled onto the scale. Whether the player took the bribe or played for the grand prize, if there was at least 200 pounds of pennies on the scale, a giant anvil was dropped onto the frog.
Notable to many of these stunts was the overt destruction by the contestant to his own property in an attempt to win a better prize. Examples of such stunts included: While DeCarlo played up the fact that losing one of these games resulted in nothing more than a tragic loss, a disclaimer at the end of every episode stated that contestants who damaged their own possessions would be reimbursed money according to the value of their belongings before they were destroyed. The Big Deal of the evening was played like earlier versions of Let's Make a Deal. DeCarlo would go back into the audience and invite contestants who had won something to trade their prize in for a shot at the Big Deal, starting with the top winner and working downward. After two players were selected, they were presented with three large screens, one of which contained the Big Deal, a prize package usually worth more than any other prize offered that day. The top winner got first selection, and the contents of each of the three screens were revealed, usually in ascending order.
In 1998, Beuna Vista Television wanted to revive Let's Make a Deal with Gordon Elliot as host where it was targeted for syndication in the Fall 1999 season but it has been backfired since then.