Big Lake (TV series)

Big Lake is an American comedy television series on Comedy Central that debuted on August 17, 2010, and ran for one season. The series was picked up using a similar model as Tyler Perry's House of Payne and Meet The Browns with an initial 10 episode order by Comedy Central, with an option to pick up the series for an additional 90 episodes, to have 100 episodes available for syndication. The deal was not picked up after Comedy Central passed on a second season.


After losing his lucrative banking job, Josh is forced to move back to his hometown of Big Lake, Pennsylvania. Now living with his parents on their couch, Josh swears to earn back all the money he lost and repay his parents. There he reunites with his childhood pal Glenn and his favorite high school teacher Mr. Henkel. Each week the three come up with new money making schemes, although due to the ridiculous nature of them, they tend to fail and go horribly wrong every time.
