Big Star's Little Star is a British game show that has aired on ITV since 4 September 2013 and is presented by Stephen Mulhern. The show sees three celebrity contestants and their children or grandchildren answering questions about each other to win up to £15,000 for a charity of their choice.
Round 1
The celebrities are asked the samemultiple choice questions as their children or grandchildren with the aim being to answer the same. Each of the celebrities is given three questions in turn with the children's or grandchildren's answers pre-recorded and shown on-screen.
Round 2
The celebrities watch a series of clips of their children or grandchildren describing several everyday items with the aim being to identify what their children or grandchildren are describing. They are awarded two points if they can identify the items after the first clue and one point after the second clue has been given.
Round 3
The celebrities and their children or grandchildren are given three pictures. They will then be asked a question about either the celebrity or their child/grandchild/children/grandchildren and both of them must answer A, B or C with the objective being that they will answer the same, despite not being able to see each other. At the end of the round, two celebrity pairs leave the show with £1,000 for their chosen charity, leaving the winning pair to play in the fourth and final round.
Round 4
The winning celebrity and their child/grandchild/children/grandchildren play for £15,000 for charity. As they have already made it through to the final, they automatically win £5,000. In the final round, they are given 10 pairs of images that mean something to the family and are hidden behind 20 squares on the screen. The images are displayed on the screen for five seconds and then, they must work together to match up as many pairs as they can before time runs out. Every pair that they match will earn them an extra £1,000 for their charity. If all 10 are matched, the team win £15,000 for their charity.
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Series 4
Series 5
A fifth series was confirmed and filming took place during the summer of 2017.
In 2015, the series was reversioned as Big Star's Bigger Star for a Text Santa special with celebrities and their parents. A four-part series, for which filming took place during summer 2017, premiered on 15 December 2018.
Series 1
International versions
Awards and nominations
In 2018, Big Star's Little Star made the longlist for the Bruce Forsyth Entertainment Award at the 2019 National Television Awards. However, the programme did not end up making the shortlist.