Primal Integration is one of a number of primally oriented human maturation techniques which have evolved during the 1970's...The third 'new' thing about primal techniques is the adaption I have developed for use with average, maturing adults, called Primal Integration. Primal Integration utilizes regressive techniques with average adults within an educational rather than a therapeutic framework. That is, Primal Integration rejects the authoritarian medical model of treatment, and is an education rather than a therapy...Primal Integration, is a contribution of the Encounter Group Movement which began on the East and West coasts of the United States during 1962, grandfathered by Maslow and Perls. Thus, Primal Integration may be viewed historically as a child of the union of regressive psychotherapy and the Encounter Movement.
He devoted the last ten years of his life promoting primal integration through workshops, training, lectures, and writings until his death in 1979 at the age of 52. Dr. Johann-Georg Raben, a German Psychologist, has written his doctoral dissertation about Bill Swartley's therapeutic approach. Raben describes in his dissertation the history, theory and practice of Swartley's maturation techniques, based on his own experiences during two workshops led by Swartley in Bavaria, Germany, and London, England, around 1978, and by citing various papers that he received from Swartley, and commenting on them. The title of the dissertation is: William Swartleys Integrative Primärtherapie. Raben received his doctoral degree in 1984 at the Psychological Institute of the University of Salzburg, Austria. -- In the years 1978-1982 Raben had had a post of "wissenschaftlicher Assistent" at the Institute for Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the Technical University of Munich, led by the psychoanalyst and psychotherapist Prof. Dr. med. et phil. Albert Görres, who sympathized with Arthur Janov's Primal Therapy und used Primal techniques. Raben's job at the institute was to collect literature about the different "cathartic therapies". This voluminous collection of literature was around 1995 conferred into the archive of the Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene in Freiburg im Breisgau, Southern Germany. It is there available under the keyword "Sammlung Dr. Raben". – William Swartley has, in 1954, delivered a master's thesis at the Faculty of the American Academy of Asian Studies, College of the Pacific, in Stockton, California. The title of the thesis is: The Relation of the Concept of the Function of the Analytical Psychologist and the Function of the "Guru" or Spiritual Guide of Hinduism. In this thesis, much about the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung can be found.