
Birdworld is the United Kingdom's largest bird park, covering. It is located in the East Hampshire district, close to the village of Bucks Horn Oak and the surrounding Alice Holt Forest. Birdworld includes an Underwater World aquarium and the Jenny Wren children's farm. It is part of the parent company Denys. E. Head, which also owns the nearby Forest Lodge garden centre and Garden Style, a wholesale plant seller.


There are more than 180 different species of bird, 11 of which are endangered and several of these are critically endangered. These include the Bali starling, Montserrat oriole, northern bald ibis and the kea. There is a flock of great white pelicans on pelican island, one of the largest free flying parrot aviaries in the country, a number of parrot species, a seashore themed aviary and the Terry Pratchett Owl Parliament.

Other attractions

Other animals include a number of fishes and reptiles inside Underwater World, including two dwarf crocodiles. There is also a group of Hermann's tortoises in the park, and several wild grey heron that are attracted by the fish fed to the Humboldt penguins and pelicans.
Jenny Wren Farm is a children's petting zoo, and houses a number of farm animals.