Bisk Farm

Bisk Farm is a brand which is owned by SAJ Food Products Ltd, a part of the Aparna Group of Companies. It is a fast-moving consumer goods company, headquartered in the city of Kolkata in the Indian State of West Bengal.
Since it was formed in the year 2000, Bisk Farm products have been available throughout Eastern and North Eastern India, and parts of South, Central and North India. The company eventually aims to market its products across the country.
The company produces a total of 97 products from Biscuits, Cookies, Cakes, Rusks, Extruded Snacks, Filled Wafers and controls 15% of market share in East India, Britannia being the major competitor in the region. Some popular brands are The Top, Googly, Spicy, Just Ginger, Bourbon, Cheese Cream. It also sells freshly made snacks, breads and sandwiches through its brand-owned "Just Baked" stores, along with desserts like pastries and muffins.