
'Bisht is a family name of people of Nepal belonging to Khas people group under the caste Chhetri, sub-groups of Kshatriya varna. They are Hindu with a local Masto deity. They speak Nepali language as mother tongue. In India Bista/Bistas are spelled as Bisht/Bishts or Bist/Bists and are titled as Rajputs. They are mostly found in Indian state of Uttarakhand.

Naming and Status

Bista is literally translated as Baron or landholder. Bista is also referred as high caste group. For example; Chauhan in Eastern Nepal were referred as Bista in an explanation of assault of a Chauhan man by a Dalit man where governmental orders of capital punishment was given to the Dalit man on Poush Badi 12, 1882 V.S. on the grounds of assaulting a high caste citizen. The excerpts from the royal orders to Bichari Shivanidhi Padhya and Bichari Parath Khadka on Poush Badi 12, 1882 V.S.:

Adoption by Buddhists

The Tibetan Buddhist vassal dynasty of Lo Manthang in Northern Nepal adopted the title of "Bista".

Notable people with surname Bista

Father Immigrated from Nepal, Timber King of India

Notable people with title Bista