Bjarki Karlsson

Bjarki Karlsson is an Icelandic poet, translator, linguist, and systems analyst. His first poetry collection, Árleysi alda, won the Bókmenntaverðlaun Tómasar Guðmundssonar for 2013. and the Bókmenntaverðlaun starfsfólks bókaverslana in the poetry category in the same year. The book was Iceland's best-selling poetry collection in 2013.

Personal life

He is active in Ásatrúarfélagið where he was a board member from 2011 to 2013. After stepping down from the board he has continued to work with the organization's website.


The following books only contain poetry, no prose. Bjarki's texts replace the original texts, based on the illustrations, and should not be regarded as translations.
Bjarki has translated some books, mostly books for toddlers, but also: