Bjarne Rise

Bjarne Rise was a Norwegian painter.



Bjarne Rise was born in Minneapolis, United States of Norwegian parents. When he was five years old, the family moved back to his home village of Oppdal where he had his upbringing. Autumn of 1925, he moved to Oslo where he first went on the Norwegian National Academy of Craft and Art Industry. After that he studied at the Norwegian National Academy of Fine Arts first in 1927 and later, in 1932-1933 with Axel Revold, in 1935-1936 with Georg Jacobsen. He was also a time, after completing the program at the Art Academy, trained by Aksel Jørgensen of Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts


The artist Bjarne Rise regarded as Norway's first surrealist. Periodically, he cultivated abstraction one but mostly, his art was figurative in character. Both landscape figure photos and Still life expresses a soft lyrical emotion through a bright palette and a conscious constructive structure which shows the influence of George Jacobsen. He was also influenced by the Danish painter Vilhelm Bjerke Petersen.


Rise is best known for his altarpieces and three reliefs such as the altarpieces in the Follafoss Church,, Fagerhaug Chapel,, and murals in Glomfjord church, 1957 ). In addition to painting are wooden reliefs and he worked with tapestries. National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design in Oslo owns a wooden relief and 8 paintings by him. In 1955 he published a book about the artist Jean Heiberg.

Works (selection)

Public Buildings (decoration)