
Bléré is a commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France.


Cultural surroundings

Bléré, in the administrative region of "Centre Val-de-Loire", is located 27 km from Tours, 225 km southwest of Paris, and is close to the great castles of the Loire. It is close to:
The town of Bléré is located in the Cher valley and in a rather wooded agricultural and wine region.

Transport Network

Main highways

The A85 motorway goes through the south of the city connecting the cities of Angers and Vierzon, its exit 11 allows you to reach the city.
The A10 motorway passes through the town of Auzouer-en-Touraine 30.5 km from Bléré.

Connections to intercity road and rail connections

Bléré-La-Croix is a train station crossed by the TER Center Val de Loire connecting the cities of Tours, Bléré, Vierzon, Bourges, Nevers, saint aignant and Dijon.
Train times:
Line D of the interurban mobility network connecting the Bléré-Tours terminals serves four stops in Bléré