Blackstone (TV series)

Blackstone is a Canadian television series, which airs on APTN and Showcase. Written, created, directed and produced by Canadian producer Ron E. Scott, the series began filming its first season in 2010 in and around Edmonton, Alberta.
The series has gone on to have four full seasons. Season five started production in spring of 2015 and premiered November 3, 2015. Season 5 was the final season.
In 2015, Prairie Dog Film + Television announced a deal which will see the first and second seasons of the series given a second run on CBC Television as a summer series, as well as making it available for download from iTunes.


Blackstone follows the lives of Indigenous people living on the fictional Blackstone First Nations reserve, set in Alberta, Canada. The story is told from an Indigenous American point of view. The show addresses important issues that Canadian aboriginals face such as racism, suicide, rape, addiction, alcoholism, drugs, water pollution, education, physical abuse, sexual abuse, child abuse, domestic violence, corruption, politics, crime, missing and murdered aboriginal women, and foster care.

Series Regulars

Amenakew family:
Bull family:
Delaronde family:
Fraser family:
Henry family:
Merasty family:
Stoney family:
Tailfeathers family:
Social Workers:
Other major characters:

Season 1 (2011)

Season 2 (2012)

Season 3 (2013)

Season 4 (2014)

Season 5 (2015)
