Blida Province

Blida is a province in Algeria. Its capital is Blida. The Chréa National Park is situated here.

Administrative divisions

It is made up of 10 districts and 25 municipalities.
The districts are:
  1. Blida
  2. Boufarik
  3. Bougara
  4. Bouïnian
  5. El Affroun
  6. Larbaâ
  7. Meftah
  8. Mouzaïa
  9. Oued El Alleug
  10. Ouled Yaïch
The municipalities are:
  1. Aïn Romana
  2. Ben Khéllil
  3. Blida
  4. Bouarfa
  5. Boufarik
  6. Bougara
  7. Bouïnian
  8. Béni Mered
  9. Béni Tamou
  10. Chiffa
  11. Chréa
  12. Chébli
  13. Djebabra
  14. El Affroun
  15. Guerrouaou
  16. Hammam Melouane
  17. Larbaâ
  18. Meftah
  19. Mouzaïa
  20. Oued Djer
  21. Oued El Alleug
  22. Ouled Selama
  23. Ouled Yaïch
  24. Souhane
  25. Soumaâ

    Natural features

This province has one of the few habitat areas in Algeria that supports a sub-population of the Barbary macaque, Macaca sylvanus.