Blinky Bill the Movie

Blinky Bill the Movie is a 2015 computer-animated adventure comedy film based on the Blinky Bill character, an anthropomorphic koala created by Dorothy Wall for a children's book series in 1933. The film was produced by Flying Bark Productions and co-produced by Assemblage Entertainment and Telegael.


In the town of Greenpatch, Australia, a courageous young koala named Blinky Bill tells a story about his father, Bill Koala while embarking on a journey across the wild, and dangerous Australian outback in the hope of finding him.
Blinky's dad had created their home Green Patch, where every animal could feel safe and live in peace. Blinky has been influenced by the legend of his father, who is on an adventure to the Sea of White Dragons. When Cranklepot the Lizard attempts to dominate Green Patch and become the ruler, Blinky realises that he must go in search of Bill Koala. Throughout his adventure he befriends a girl koala named Nutsy, a lizard named Jacko, and a few other creatures who assist Blinky on his quest. He discovers that being a hero is complicated and requires teamwork.

Voice cast

According to Ozmovies, in Australia, "The film opened to indifferent reviews, even allowing for the soft treatment often handed out to Australian films valiantly trying to do something for the children's/family market." On Rotten Tomatoes the film received generally positive reviews, earning a 73% approval rating, based on reviews from 11 critics.
The book Historical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Cinema interpreted the Rotten Tomatoes audience score of 43%, taking to imply that audiences and fans of the original book and the animated series had negative reactions to the film.


Television series

The film was followed by a 26-episode TV series, The Wild Adventures of Blinky Bill that aired on Seven Network.


The film had a budget of €12,796,917.