Blue Cross (chemical warfare)

Blue Cross is a World War I chemical warfare agent consisting of diphenylchloroarsine, diphenylcyanoarsine, ethyldichloroarsine, and/or methyldichloroarsine. Clark I and Clark II were the main agents used.
Clark I was used with Green Cross munition earlier; however for the first time it was used as a standalone agent in the night from July 10 to July 11 1917 at Nieuwpoort, Belgium, during "Operation Strandfest". The artillery munition used as a delivery vehicle contained a large amount of glass spheres closed with a cork and sealed with trinitrotoluene. Later N-ethylcarbazole was added. Depending on the caliber, the munition contained between 7 and 120 kilograms of the agent.
Blue Cross is also a generic World War I German marking for artillery shells with chemical payload affecting the upper respiratory tract.