Board of Estimate of City of New York v. Morris

Board of Estimate of City of New York v. Morris, 489 U.S. 688, was a case argued before the United States Supreme Court regarding the structure of the New York City Board of Estimate.


Under the charter of the City of Greater New York established in 1898, the Board of Estimate was responsible for budget and land-use decisions for the city. It was composed of eight ex officio members: the Mayor of New York City, the New York City Comptroller and the President of the New York City Council, each of whom was elected citywide and had two votes, and the five Borough presidents, each having one vote.

Opinion of the Court

The court unanimously declared the New York City Board of Estimate unconstitutional on the grounds that the city's most populous borough had no greater effective representation on the board than the city's least populous borough, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause pursuant to the Court's 1964 "one man, one vote" decision. The Board was disestablished.
The case was argued on December 7, 1988, and decided on March 22, 1989. Justice Byron White delivered the Court's opinion.