Bob Baker (scriptwriter)

Robert John Baker is a British television and film writer. He is best known as the co-author of the Wallace and Gromit films The Wrong Trousers, A Close Shave and and A Matter of Loaf and Death.


Baker and Dave Martin began writing for Harlech Television, the local ITV franchise. One of their earliest works was Thick As Thieves starring Leonard Rossiter.
Baker wrote for Doctor Who between 1971 and 1979. For all but the last of his contributions to this series, Baker collaborated with Dave Martin on numerous scripts including:
Together, they were nicknamed "The Bristol Boys" by the Doctor Who production teams with whom they worked.
Baker and Martin devised for Doctor Who the robotic dog K-9, the renegade Time Lord Omega and the Axons. K-9 was originally intended to appear in one story only, but the BBC decided to make it a recurring character. Several of Baker's stories had elements of hard science not often found in Doctor Who, even though they've also been criticised for scientific inaccuracy. Together with Martin, they also created fantasy television serials for children including Sky.
Baker's other contributions to British television include Vision On animation with Laurie Booth, scripts for episodes of Shoestring and Bergerac. A new series featuring K9, K-9 created in Australia, aired in the UK and worldwide in 2009 and 2010.
Baker revealed on the DVD commentary for Nightmare of Eden that he contacted Russell T Davies about the possibility of writing for the 2005 revival of Doctor Who but was told in no uncertain terms that writers from the original series were not wanted, though K9 did appear in Doctor Who and the Sarah Jane Adventures under Russell T Davies., Baker is the only surviving Doctor Who scriptwriter from the Third Doctor era. Trevor Ray passed away in December 2019.
In 2013 Baker wrote his autobiography entitled K9 Stole My Trousers with help from Laurie Booth. Later in 2015, he co-wrote with Paul M. Tams The Essential Book of K9 which was crowd-funded on Indiegogo.

Personal life

Baker currently resides in Stroud, Gloucestershire.

Writing credits



Awards and nominations