Bob van Luijt

Bob van Luijt technology entrepreneur, technologist, and new media artist from the Netherlands. He is the founder of SeMI Technologies, consultancy firm Kubrickology and the chairman of the Creative Software Foundation.

Technology Entrepreneurship

In March 2016 Van Luijt started the open source knowledge graph Weaviate which is developed by SeMI Technologies.

New Media & Arts

Van Luijt received a bachelor's degree from Artez Institute of the Arts. After completing his studies he created notable works that include The Core. He collaborated on harpist Anne Vanschothorst's album Ek is eik., with Billy Martin and Florian Weber and with Yonga Sun and Cuong Vu..
Control was his first tech-based artwork and was selected as an awards Finalist for CREATE 2015 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, in the category art+technology..


Van Luijt's "explorations on the developments in technology, art, and business" can be found on his blog "Bob’s WTF blog". They form the source of frequent lectures at conferences and universities throughout Europe, the US, and Russia.