Bocchetto Sessera

Bocchetto Sessera or Bocchetto di Sessera is a mountain pass across the Alpi Biellesi. It connects Strona di Mosso Valley and Valsessera, both in the province of Biella .


In the local dialect bochet means mountain pass, while Sessera is the name of the river which flows in the Sessera Valley.


The pass is located between Monticchio and monte Marca.
It belongs to the water divide between the drainage basins of Cervo and Sessera.


Bocchetto di Sassera can be accessed by car from Campiglia Cervo or from Trivero by the former national road Strada statale 232 Panoramica Zegna. From the pass start some forestry roads which deserve the middle section of Sessera Valley. Some of these dirt roads by winter are used as cross-country skiing paths.
