Body Count (1986 film)

Body Count is a 1986 Italian slasher film directed by Ruggero Deodato.


A gang of vacationing teenagers drive out to an abandoned campsite that was shut down years before, due to the murder of a young couple that occurred there. The area was formerly an old Indian burial ground and is believed to be haunted by the spirit of an Indian shaman. One by one, the kids are killed off in gruesome ways, whom they believe to be the Indian shaman returned to life.


Body Count was first released in 1986 in the United States and then released in Italy on May 14, 1987.

Critical reception

called it a "derivative slasher entry" and "one of Deodato's least interesting films." Todd Martin from gave the film a mostly positive review, noting the film's flaws, most notably the lack of originality, and uninteresting sub-plot. Kit Lively from Hysteria Lives! awarded the film 2.5 out of 5 stars, writing, "Although no film with David Hess, Mimsy Farmer AND Charles Napier could be a complete waste of time, Body Count is still fairly routine. In addition to some fairly bad dialogue, it also features the most annoying variation on the chubby practical-joker character that I've ever seen, and it takes entirely too long for the killer to end the audience's discomfort. Still, it's rarely boring, with a few good moments, and many of the murders are pretty graphic."