Bogart–Bacall syndrome

Bogart–Bacall syndrome is a voice disorder that is caused by abuse or overuse of the vocal cords.
People who speak or sing outside their normal vocal range can develop BBS; symptoms are chiefly an unnaturally deep or rough voice, or dysphonia, and vocal fatigue. The people most commonly afflicted are those who speak in a low-pitched voice, particularly if they have poor breath and vocal control. The syndrome can affect both men and women.
In 1988 an article was published, describing a discrete type of vocal dysfunction which results in men sounding like actor Humphrey Bogart and women sounding like actress Lauren Bacall; coincidentally, Bogart and Bacall were married to each other and made several films together. BBS is now the medical term for an ongoing hoarseness that often afflicts actors, singers or TV/radio voice workers who routinely speak in a very low pitch.
Treatment usually involves voice therapy by a speech language pathologist.