
Bokajan is a town in Karbi Anglong district in the state of Assam, India. Bokajan is best known for its Cement factory. It is 15 km away from Dimapur and partially borders Nagaland.


Bokajan is located at. It has an average elevation of 138 metres.


India census, Bokajan had a population of 19,936. Males constitute 53% of the population and females 47%. Bokajan has an average literacy rate of 86.77%, higher than the national average of 74.04%; with male literacy of 80% and female literacy of 68%. 12% of the population is under 6 years of age.



Bokajan CCI

The Bokajan Cement Factory is one of the 3 functional cement factory in India, out of its 10 cement factories of Cement Corporation of India Limited, which are fully owned by the Central Govt. of India.
Annually, the plant produces around 1,98,000 MT by using the dry process.
The factory occupy an area that consist of the factory, the mining area and the township. The township consists of various civic amenities such as health centers, guest houses, bank, post office, telephone exchange and so on.


Most of the populace income is based on agriculture.


Some of the major educational institutions in the town are:
Bokajan is part of Autonomous District.