Bolivian prosecutorial extortion ring

A cluster of officials in the Bolivian Ministries of Government and the Presidency and prosecutor's offices are alleged to have constituted an extortion ring that demanded cash from individuals facing prosection, including American investor Jacob Ostreicher. The ring has been the subject of official investigation since November 2012. Its central figures are allegedly Fernando Rivera Tardío and Dennis Efraín Rodas, both lawyers for the Bolivian Minister of Government; Boris Villegas Rocabado, former Director of the Interior Regime another division of the Ministry of Government; and Jose Manuel Antezana Pinaya, an official in the Ministry of the Presidency. Members of the network approached indicted, and usually imprisoned persons, offering to resolve their cases in exchange for payments from $5,000 to $100,000. The Associated Press has described the affair as "the biggest scandal to face the country's judicial system." As of 5 December 2012, the Ministry of Government reported that it had nine proven denunciations of corruption against the ring. By December 26, at least thirty denunciations had been received.
Twelve people including prosecutors, government officials, and the judge who originally had Jacob Ostreicher imprisoned have been arrested in what authorities say was an extortion ring.