BombermanB-Daman Bakugaiden, commonly abbreviated as BB-Daman Bakugaiden or BBB, is a CoroCoro Comic series created by Koichi Mikata, based on Bomberman and B-Daman. An animated television series was created and originally broadcast on Nagoya TV and TV Asahi at 17:00. It was also broadcast internationally on Taiwan Television, TVB Jade, GMA Network, QTV 11 and Hero TV. The series was superseded by Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden V.
One thousand years ago, the beautiful B-da City was attacked by the Dark B-da in their quest to control the entire Blue Solar System. The heroic B-Daman, drawing on their legendary power and ingenious technology, were able to restore peace to the universe. But, it is only a matter of time before evil forces strike again. Our hero, White Bomber, and his friends continue to patrol the Kingdom, fight against Dark B-da, and are always on the alert for danger, but they're always ready for fun as well. The setting is similar to Bakugaiden III toys, but with slight changes. The episode generally revolves around the five main characters: White, Blue, Red, Yellow, and Black "Bombers". Each get better, newer, and stronger machines or battle suits as the series progress. Each battle is either with a henchman or one of the four great bosses. Each one of them has a unique quirk. This is generally part of how the team beats them. With each Battle Suit, a new villain arrives and defeats them, forcing them to adjust their personality, or get a stronger weapon.
Battle suits
Note: This refers to the Beda City story starting from episode 3 of this series.
First generation
;White Gale ;Blue Sniper ;Red Buster ;Yellow Shooter ;Black Gattlinger ;White Gale II
Second generation
The first set is destroyed in a train accident caused deliberately by Tiger's apprentice. This accident caused the carriage which contains three of the suits to fall off a steep cliff. The Bombers were inside at that time and survived by escaping the falling carriage, but the four suits - White Gale II, Blue Sniper, Yellow Shooter, and Red Buster go down into the sea together with it. ;Black Cluster ;White Blows ;Blue Braiver ;Yellow Crusher Yellow Bomber's new suit has the same power as its predecessor and is equipped with an additional sonar speaker and has the ability to fly thanks to the rear boosters that come inbuilt. Yellow Bomber was able to use it to tremble Shuringe's suit, Tsubasa Phoenix, using the sound waves created which can also deflect the Beda shots that is fired towards it, and this new suit subsequently plays a part in defeating it. Its Main Shot is the "Crusher Cannon" that contains both offensive and defensive in nature. It makes its debut on episode 22. ;Black Devaster ;Flyer Dragon ;Blizzard Dragon
Combined forms
;Saint Blaster ;Saint Dragon
;Koutei ;Dark Prince ;Professor Brown/Dr. Shadow ;Momite Bomber A useless minion of darkness who provides the comic relief throughout the series. He is given the name "Momite" for the fact that he often rubs his hands together nervously. He claims to be a good guy, but actually is not. Similarly to how Blue Bomber says "desu" at the end of every sentence, Momite Bomber says "dayo". His main purpose is to spy on the Good Bombers. He was voiced in the anime by Koyasu Takehito. ;Minions ;Draken ;Tiger ;Shuringe ;Sildork ;Dr. Crusher